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This information is only available for US residents. The last thing New Yorkers need is yet another anti-immigrant bill that goes by the name of Reforming American Immigration for Strong Employment Act. Although the legislation is a little dated, it as anti-immigrant any bill that Congress has passed recently. The bill seeks to end America's "special relationship" with Latinos and limit immigration to less than 50,000 a year.
In recent years, Congress has passed a bunch of bad, poorly-conceived immigration measures, most notably Senate Bill 1146, the Dream Act that was watered down by immigration hawks in the Senate, and S.B. 1070, "Kate's Law" immigration law that was passed with the help of President George W. Bush. Although Congress has passed a lot of bad laws, passing this bill does not signal that the nation has embraced a strong commitment to "reforming" immigration policy. It's a thinly veiled version of the "Comprehensive Immigration Reform" proposal that the House Republicans floated earlier this year.
The bill targets Latinos, which are the least likely to be granted legal status in the US. bill would bar employment-based immigration and require that any immigrant to the US undergo a background check and criminal record check. The bill would make it considerably harder for unauthorized immigrants to obtain citizenship. It would also bar unauthorized immigrants from receiving welfare benefits and create strict requirements for employers to verify the legal status and employment of any worker, with the ability to penalize companies that do not comply.
The bill would do all of this primarily by reducing the inflow of legal immigrants. For every 2 immigrants to the US who are granted green cards, the bill requires that 4 legal immigrants from Mexico be sent home. It would also reduce immigration by requiring that immigrants pass English and civics tests. Additionally, the bill would also give Congress more power to cut off funding sanctuary cities and require that employers verify employment status with new hires.
The bill's chief advocate is Rep. Steve King, R-Iowa, who is perhaps more known for his anti-immigrant stances than other legislative accomplishments, but the bill has support of GOP leaders, including House Speaker Paul Ryan Davis RyanHow the Trump tax law passed: Dealing with a health care hangover Dems fight to
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We both stare at him. He is staring me with that 'you do realize you are being very weird right now aren't you?' look he wears whenever wants to impress me. I don't know what he's actually talking about.
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So that's one way to put it.
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"Nah, it's not that kind of place. It's more like an online store. There are different kinds of products I can buy but I'm on the fence right now."
I don't know what that means but we don't really have any other choices.
"Will you make me anything?"
"... How do you mean?"
"You could put together something to go with the sweets that we have in the fridge. I know they'll be nice for the both of us. It'll be a surprise when we get to the store anyway."
"Oh, how could I say no to that?"
I make him dinner and we settle in for the next few hours until it gets dark. That's the only time when I haven't been back. The rest of week I spent with my mother. I'm getting the hang of new routine.
I don't mind that she makes me eat my breakfast and lunch on the floor. It's end of day anyway and I'm the only one left in house so it's fine. The dishes aren't cleaned, I have to pay for them myself. In the mornings I just have to go up her room and clean everything up.
The food is okay. My mother puts some good food together though. She's done a good job at that. I get to eat pancakes in between my regular meals. I know her kitchen is a mess since she still uses the one that she used when was sick. We have just enough time to clean everything up so there's not much that can go wrong. I don't usually eat anything besides breakfast or lunch because I'm still recovering from the flu. I have to my flu shot once more this year.
She keeps to her usual routine after I finish cleaning up. She reads a book while I clean the kitchen. She does everything from making breakfast to cleaning the house making sure that I'm doing my best to be clean. We really don't have much time left to do anything else. My mother has been working full-time for years now and I'm slowly gaining back the weight I lost when was sick.
When it's my mother's turn to read, I feel strangely uncomfortable. usually don't mind her reading to me, but for some reason she's reading the book to me. I want jump out of my chair and run out the door. That might even get me thrown out of the house. I can't help but feel as if I'm going to catch a virus from her.
I guess she knows something don't and I'm not exactly sure what I think she is. talks about how wants to take her medication and that she's happy with her life as a doctor. She's actually in the exact same situation as me. There aren't that many people out there find a home like mine. My mother doesn't know what that means I think. She has the same job that I do so suppose it shouldn't.
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