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Cough associated with captopril and enalapril in patients with severe renal failure, Ann Intern Med, 2009, vol. 153 (pg. 753 - 60 ), vol.(pg. 31 Ahern M Brem G, et al. Cefotaxime in the management of acute dyspnoea caused by aminoglycoside antibiotics, J Intern Med, 2010, vol. 269 (pg. 437 - 44 ), vol.(pg. 32 Ahern M JM, et al. Acute hypoperfusion induced by aminoglycoside antibiotic therapy, Ann Intern Med, 2009, vol. 153 (pg. 754 - 8 ), vol.(pg. 33 Ahern M Brem G JM, et al. Is there a risk to patient receiving cefotaxime in severe or critically ill patients?, J Med Infect, 2009, vol. 64 (pg. 817 - 22 ), vol.(pg. 34 Beggs HK Fingelkurth R, et al. Risk of cefotaxime-associated nonfatal bleeding and associated risk factors: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Br Med J, 2011, vol. 340 (pg. 547 - 56 ), vol.(pg. 35 Bloch JM Lexapro generic cost without insurance Fingelkurth R Ahern JM, et al. Cefotaxime therapy and adverse events, N Engl J Med, 2012, vol. 367 (pg. 2225 - 32 ), vol.(pg. 36 Boonen JW van Beek-Truijs J, et al. Antibiotic related nephrotoxicity due to cefotaxime in dialysis patients—an epidemiological study, Clin Nephrol, 2006, vol. 16 (pg. 1349 - 54 ), vol.(pg. 37 Cetlic F Weltz D Welle SL, et al. Cefotaxime: an update of the most up-to-date clinical information, Am J Clin Pathol, 2012, vol. 123 (pg. 779 - 84 ), vol.(pg. 38 Chatterjee B Hwang JK Cetlic F, et al. Cefotaxime, azithromycin, and aminoglycoside associated mortality after renal transplantation in patients with end-stage renal disease—A large observational cohort study, Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf, 2007, vol. 16 (pg. 1012 - 9 ), vol.(pg. 39 Colle FJ Ahern JM, et al. The burden of cephalosporins and macrolides in the United States, N Engl J Med, 2000, vol. 343 (pg. 472 - 7 ), vol.(pg. 40 Cordova-Gouveia R Brugal E Cetlic F, et al. Antimicrobials in acute renal failure, kidney transplantation, and the dialysis patient: a systematic review of the impact these antibiotics on quality-adjusted life years—the IMPACT Study, Clin Transplant, 2011, vol. 11 (pg. 933 - 41 what is the cost of atorvastatin ), vol.(pg. Dauzat V Toussaint K Cetlic F, et al. Drug prescribing practices in France: a prospective population-based study, J Hepatol, 2012, vol. 52 (pg. 735 - 41 ), vol.(pg. © The Author 2012. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email: journals.permissions@oup.

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